Why is Turkey in Libya?This week, a brief clash between rival armed factions in Libya’s capital city, Tripoli, again emphasized the country’s unresolved civil…Aug 18, 2023Aug 18, 2023
The Nakbah and The Holocaust: Pillars of Jewish and Palestinian IdentityI just returned from an eight-day trip to Israel and Palestine (specifically, the West Bank) with my 16-year-old son.Aug 18, 2023Aug 18, 2023
Why did Israeli soldiers use both restraint and brutality during the first Palestinian uprising?In 1988, Israeli security forces engaged in a wide variety of repressive tactics aimed at putting down the Palestinian uprising in the West…Aug 2, 2023Aug 2, 2023
If human rights are universal, why is the funding for rights advocacy groups so one-sided?Human rights are universal, and everyone, in theory, should be supportive. However, when raising funds for human rights, the money tends to…Aug 1, 2023Aug 1, 2023
Are human rights organizations fronts for American foreign policy agencies?In some parts of the world, people think that human rights organizations are agents of US imperialism rather than neutral purveyors of the…Aug 1, 2023Aug 1, 2023
Doing an End Run Around the Israeli-Palestinian ConflictWhat if the US can figure out how to bypass the Israeli-Palestinian standoff by bringing in the Saudis? RAug 1, 2023Aug 1, 2023
Despite all the anger and mistrust, Palestinians can’t afford to sit out the protests in Israel.Read more at https://www.jamesron.net/post/palestinians-shouldn-t-sit-out-the-anti-coup-protests-in-israelAug 1, 2023Aug 1, 2023
The Canaanite GenocideI recently came across an old (2003 — is this old now?) book on my shelf, Show them No Mercy: Four Views on God and Canaanite Genocide…Jan 4, 2022Jan 4, 2022
A Journey into the Past: My Israeli Military Reunion, 33 Years LaterIn 1985, I was drafted into the Israeli military for three years. Two of those were in the explosives company of the paratroop brigade, one…Nov 5, 2021Nov 5, 2021
An Alternative Take on the Taliban VictoryI recently spoke with an old friend who directs a very large a humanitarian operation in Afghanistan. I called him up ready to commiserate…Sep 9, 202121Sep 9, 202121